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Limitless Diesel 1077-3D Allison 1000 Torque Converter (2000 Stall)

Limitless Diesel 1077 Torque Converter is Primarily for VVT Trucks, Stock Turbo LML Applications and Compound Setups with a VVT Charger in the Valley. Aggressive Fluid Coupling and the correct amount of Flash make this 2000 Stall Converter perfect for Daily Driver/Heavy towing applications yet it still has the ability to race for the weekend warriors looking to unhook the trailer and have some fun.

Pricing: $1,800.00

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Our custom Torque Converter is manufactured in-house at SunCoast Performance. These Converters lead the industry in Strength, Reliability and Proven Street/Track Performance.

* 2000 Brake Stall
* Aggressive Fluid coupling
* Heavy Duty Forged Billet steel cover
* Custom Pump and Turbine Modifications
* Billet Stator
* Proprietary Converter Clutches with Trapezoid Clutch teeth
* 3 Year Unlimited Mileage Warranty



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