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Inglewood Transmission DIY Allison 1000 instructions and Tech support (Free with kit purchase)

We get countless calls from customers wanting our help on their rebuilds. For customers who purchased rebuild kits or parts from us we provide free tech support and instructions. However we get an influx of calls from people who purchased elsewhere and quickly found out there is a reason why were the original and most successful Allison DIY kit provider on market. Yes there are kits and parts on the market and have been out since before we were around. The difference is we recognized the issues with the offerings on market and corrected them to be user friendly. What was available wasn't designed for a guy in his garage or the regular do it yourselfer. We changed that and others have attempted to follow suit. With that comes parts sold without knowledge of the product or customer support so we get countless phone calls from people wanting to know how to put what they ordered from (insert here) into their transmission. Unfortunately we have been unable to help these individuals do to our workload from customers who are ordering or have ordered in past. There is only so much time in a day. To give these people who ordered elsewhere an option to successfully assemble their transmission we are offering an assembly guide and full tech support to troubleshoot any issues that may arise when building their own transmission. If scheduled after hours and weekend support is available.
Pricing: $400.00

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